about us

Saaii gallery

Saaii Art group was established in 2018 with intention of handicrafts and art marketing worldwide. The well-known artistic SAAII family and many great artists in different fields are supporting this group and its pure intention. The main goal is to promote and introduce the Persian culture and its authenticity through handicrafts and other arts. It’s our duty to introduce these arts and ways of production to all people around the globe and our home, Iran.

It is becoming clear that handicrafts and generally manmade goods are going to be forgotten in our daily lives. However before this technological world even a small piece of handicraft used to be produced with lots of love, passion and accuracy. It’s never too late to start appreciate what our past has given us imagine you have a piece of Ghalamkar fabric on your work desk, placing that beautiful family picture into an inlaid work frame and emphasize that memory even better.

Now allow me to embrace this pleasant feeling a little more for you by another image of having your tea or coffee in silver engraved cups served in engraved tray. Imagine you put your flowers in a colorful enamel flower pot. This picture we just talked about is literally an authentic traditional and modern in design for a pure Persian house.

Saaii gallery is now presenting art pieces from most famous artists in handicrafts field with the highest quality to our community as well as other regions. This establishment was found by the effort of some energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic young people who have dedicated their time and passion to come up with the best service for customers with hopes of making Persian art recognized worldwide.

Saaii Gallery is presenting different marvelous arts such as: enamels, engraving arts, integrative handmade jewelries, miniatures and carpets. we would like to express our sense of gratitude to The great Saaii family and other famous artists with over a century of experience and legacy in engraving arts who have always been supporting this group all along this marvelous path.


Founder and CEO

Chief Digital Officer

International Marketing

Photographer and Designer

Video Production Manager

Content Producer

Founder and Manager Communication